Building Performance Research
Cameron Scott and Caroline Rye founded the building performance research company ArchiMetrics Ltd in 2011. By developing and deploying various methods of physical measurement and in situ monitoring, our intention is to improve understanding of the actual performance of buildings. We specialise in measuring heat and moisture behaviour but are also able to measure many other aspects of performance. Often we use innovative methods to answer specific questions or concerns and undertake work in both old and new buildings. Our aim is to close the gap between predictions made by theoretical building performance models and the real behaviour of buildings in order to inform and advance building design practices and enhance the quality of our built environment..
We work with our clients to design research projects to answer their particular building performance queries .
We design and build instrumentation to answer defined questions. Equipment is installed by us to suit project requirements and ensure continuity.
Data collected is analysed using in-house tools to allow flexibility and detailed, thorough, investigation.
The interpretation of data is fed back through detailed reporting.
Our clients include.
Trinity College Cambridge
New Court
St John's College Oxford
Historic Environment Scotland
Please get in touch to discuss your Research Project.